Software Libraries

- ISO/IEC 14443 and 15693 library, Innovatron (Calypso) and FeliCa, pre-certified EMV CL, CEN/TS 16794/ RCTIF and NFC Forum for front-end 13.56MHz NXP (PN5180/ PN5190, PN7462, RC663 and RC663+, PN512, RC523, ...),
- ISO/IEC 7816-3 and -4 pre-certified EMV CT library for NXP TDA8026 / TDA8023 and TDA8035 front ends,
- Libraries for the secure processing of DESFire® and MIFARE Plus® cards (NXP), Calypso cards, Apple VAS applications (NFC passes on the iOS Wallet) and Google SmartTap (NFC passes on Android) with or without Secure Element (SAM NXP AV2 or AV3, SAM Calypso, Microchip ATECC, etc.),
- USB multi-role device library: CCID (smart card reader), HID (keyboard emulation), mass storage ("USB stick", file storage), CDC (serial port emulation), direct access by WinUSB,
- MQTT+TLS library with or without Secure Element (Microchip ATECC, NXP SmartEdge SE50) for storing X509 keys and certificates.

- Portable libraries (C#, PC/SC) for the secure processing of DESFire® and MIFARE Plus® cards (NXP), Calypso cards, Apple VAS applications (NFC passes on the iOS Wallet) and Google SmartTap (NFC passes on Android) with or without Secure Element,
- Virtual PC/SC driver to use non-USB drive across LAN or WAN network,
- DESFire® and MIFARE Plus® card formatting and customization solution, NXP AV2 or AV3 SAM formatting solution.
Everything there is to know about the NXP cards !
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