In accordance with the French laws, SpringCard respects your privacy. Our web site has been designed so that you can visit it and reach the majority of the items it contains without having to transmit to us any personal data ("public area" of the web site). Some pages on this site, and some items it contains, are accessible only to the site recorded users, this will be the subject of the paragraph named "customers area".

Public area

Statistics of frequentation

In order to build statistics, this web site keeps records of the IP address and navigator version of the visitors who consult the pages, as well as the URL of the site containing the incoming link ("referrer"). This information is not personal, and only aims at optimizing our site content and quality, and at optimizing its indexing in various search engines and directories.

Statistics of downloading and consultation

In order to build statistics, this web site also logs downloads and page hits. These statistics are purely numerical, no nominative information is collected here.


A "cookie" is a small file which a Web site can store on your computer in order to facilitate your navigation and/or to recognize you when you come back to the site. Our "public area" makes use of cookies in order to to draw up the statistics evoked above. You can choose to refuse these cookies, without noticeable incidence in your use of the "public area" of our web site.

Customers area

The "customers area" of our web site is reserved to the SpringCard customers, and/or to the people who have explicitly chosen to be registered through the online "Registration" form.

In both cases,

Information recorded

We store only information which you voluntarily choose to transmit us within the framework of a normal industrial relationship, or which you voluntarily choose to address us by electronic mail or by filling the forms available on this Web site. This information only aims at enabling us to offer a service of quality to you and which will answer as much as possible your expectation (for example, by providing you a relevant technical support and by keeping you informed of the evolutions of our products).

Statistics evoked in the "public area" paragraph are not correlated with the data coming from this "customers area"; thus we do not associate your personal data with your public information (for example address IP which you use).


Cookies are mandatory to visit the "customers area" of our web site.


SpringCard will not reveal without your agreement any personal information. Unless we have explicitly informed you, and obtained your permission, or that the law forces us to do so, all this information is strictly reserved for SpringCard or for its subcontractors or retailers acting on SpringCard behalf.

Data protection

SpringCard protects as far as possible the information that you entrust to give against the consultation or the modification by unauthorized third parties. Your own data are protected on this web site by your login identifier (mail address) and your personal password. However, Internet is a naturally unsecure area, and SpringCard cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit us, and you do so at your own risk.

If you do not fully accept this restriction of responsibility, you should not use our "customers area".

For more information regarding our compliancy with RGPD please read our charter