Laetitia De Boisanger, BE Software Engineer Internship

Date: august-december 2022

School: ISEP engineering school

I am in my second year of engineering school and I’ve interned at SpringCard where my mission has been to develop an internal website which allowed me to discover technologies like Node, Docker and Kubernetes.

Innovative, convivial, formative
Paul Delgorgue, Observation Internship

Date: January 2021

School: L’Institut Espérance Bourdevaire 

During the week, I was able to be around and observe intern services like Sales,Communication, Customer shipping and Production. 

The discovery has no limit other than ours. 

Perseverance, Welded, Good Mood



Théo Gilot, Quality Assistant

Date: July 2018

School: EPF- École d'Ingénieur-e-s

I realise an internship at SpringCard and I'm responsible for the achievement of quality tests, cabling and stocks inventory.

These are the main tasks but I will also have to opportunity to realise a lot of other ones. 

Efficient, Formative, Pleasant
Aymeric Lhuillier, Project Assistant

Date: May - June 2018

School: Paris-Sud University

I am in 1st year at Polytech Paris-Sud I realised an internship at SpringCard to cable and test for the project SpyFly. My mission consist in cabling the prototype and realise functional tests.

I am also responsible for writing incident report and submit possible improvements for the success of this project.

Conviviality, Organisation, Innovation
Chi Zhang, Project Assistant

Date: May - July 2018

School: IUT of Cachan

I am a student at the IUT of Cachan in Electrical and Industrial Computer Engineering. My internshipmain task consist in creating a mobile recorder of atmospheric parameters.

To do so I realise diagrams, I also look for components, I code in C language and realise scale models. 

Professional, Efficient, Experienced
Alexis Bernon, International Sales

Date: April - June 2018

School: Montalembert High School

I am a student in International Sales BTS at the Montalembert high school of Courbevoie. The international aspect interested me and I wanted to work in the area of new technologies, that is why I chose SpringCard. I am doing my internship in Australia at Delinovation Pty Ltd that represents SpringCard in this region.

Thanks to SpringCard I could contact Mr Ewan Le Bourhis which is now more a coach than a traineeship supervisor. I also could visit the headquarters in Palaiseau to get to know the RFID/NFC vocabulary that was unknown for me. 

Modern, International, Available
Alexandre Canbudak, System Developer

Date: October 2017 - October 2018

School: IMIE Angers INST

I am an apprentice at SpringCard in order to become a software developper. SpringCard fits my educational and professional project, that is the reason why I chose this company.

During my intership I had the opportunity to develop in my favorite programming language: the PHP language.

The work environment and the listening I have received made me improve my skills. The first impression I had when I arrived at SpringCard was a united team always looking for innovation through the design of new products or the improvement of existing products. 

 Professional, Educational, Innovative
Romain Guillot, Hardware Developer

Date: October 2017-January 2018

School: Paris-Sud University

I am in 2nd year of University in Electrical and Industrial Computer Engineering. I have chosen to join SpringCard because the internship subject was in accordance with my studies and would allow me to apply the theoretical knowledge I have learned.

I liked being able to work on soft- and hardware, programming and design electronic cards. The company atmosphere is really good and the welcoming is warm.

I am glad to have been able to do my internship at SpringCard I had the opportunity to discover new things in electronics as well as on how a company operates.

 Contactless, Future, Startup
Stéphane Padrao, Hardware Developer

Date: October 2017 - January 2018

School: Paris-Sud University

I am in the last year of my studies in Electrical and Industrial Computer Engineering. SpringCard was one of the first companies to answer to my application and because the subject of the  internship was in accordance with my studies I did not hesitate and I chose SpringCard.

During my internship I had the opportunity to work on soft- and hardware in a more concrete way, my projects needed to be built from scratch until the final application with the help of my traineeship supervisor.

This internship helped me gathering some experience that would have been impossible to have at university. I learned a lot during my internship at SpringCard.


Welcoming, Pleasant, Effective
Gaspard Manga, Software-Harware Developer

Date: 2015-2016

School: Polytech Paris-Sud

During my engineering studies at Polytech Paris-Sud I had the opportunity to realise two internships at SpringCard. The first internship was about Hardware development. During this internship I could participate in the design of the card Springfield Florida. The second internship was about Software Development.

By the end of this internship I implemented a software that could ease the test on NFC/RFID readers. With those internships I had the opportunity to lead a project from the beginning to the end. This experience brought me more autonomy in a pleasant work environment.

Professional, Formative, Pleasant
Lavan Kirubairajah, Project Engineer

Date: 2013/2015

School: CFA SUP2000

I was a Project Engineer Apprentice at SpringCard for two years. I was in charge of the analysis of vectoral networks, the study of RFID antenna characteristics, the method and process creation.

I had the opportunity to develop my adaptability and to learn a lot on the technical level. 

Family Spirit,  Adaptibility, Technical skills