How we facilitate the life of students with the CNOUS
Our partner
The national center for university and school works, also called CNOUS, is ensuring the control of the CNOUS and CROUS network. Its mission is also to encourage the implementation of new tools and to organise the dialog between staff representative and students.

Project details
The CNOUS contacted us for a project regarding the development of a DLL and the design of a system allowing to write informations on MIFARE® cards.
The CNOUS also use some of our Prox’n Roll readers for this project even if the SpringCard’s solutions had to be compliant with other PC/SC readers on the market.
The student’s cards are composed of a memory zone in which it was essential to be able to write in order to allow the communication between these cards and the virtual wallet from each student on the Izly platform.
This virtual wallet allow 1 million students to pay their meal in university restaurants, their photocopies and their laundry.
Thanks to the development of the DLL and SAM by SpringCard the memory zone of students cards (MIFARE®) have been encoded allowing the implementation of Izly virtual wallets.
Project challenge
The main challenge of this project was to ensure the continuity from the old system called Monéo while keeping and improving the security levels.
The new system should also be easy to implement for the universities in order to have all the universities using the same payment system for its students.
The old system Monéo was working this way: the money was on the student card and the student had to transfer money from his credit card to the Monéo card thanks to terminals in universities restaurants.
With the new Izly system the card is only an intermediary between the payment terminal and the virtual wallet, it is the MIFARE® card which transmit data.
This principle could be adapted at the european level in order to allow students identification in european universities.
Why SpringCard ?
The CNOUS trusted us because we are experts in security issues related to contactless smartcards. Furthermore, developing coupling devices and readers, compatible with ISO14443 cards, makes us the perfect partner to develop systems relying on different cards technologies.
Also, our flexibility allowed to take into account all the variables and constraints of this national project.
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