Create your avatar with silkke !

silkke was launched in 2011 to allow to all companies to benefit from the 3rd digital revolution after the web and mobile: the immersive web revolution.

silkke it is 5 years of confidential R & D, around strong founding concepts:

  • Offer new growth drivers for brands,
  • A return to responsibility and more purchasing power for users, more respect for their privacy,
  • A new social portal
  • The opening the digital horizon to developers for unlimited immersive applications,
  • An exclusive high-performance technology.



silkke's project

silkke's project is to offer to everyone it’s new secured digital identity materialized by an animated 3D Avatar, for everyone to be ready to explore these new immersive worlds.

The silkke photographic capsule can scan 60 people per hour with an extra-fast 10sec passage, and it create an avatar in 15 minutes. This avatar is compatible with all virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality platforms.

The silkke concept is a subtle and tailor-made articulation between hardware, a fully automated design capsule, and software, a highly scalable cloud-based post-production system. A park of thousands of silkke capsules can work in total autonomy.

The silkke capsule can be installed in any public or private place for periods of 2 days to 3 years. The company's customers cover main industries: retail, automotive, education, health, media, video games...

In order to make the passage in the capsule as fluid as possible, to meet all the current and future uses, and above all to make this immediately understandable for the end user, the silkke capsule is able to accept prepayments via a card, a tag or smartphone, thanks to the integrated Springcard RFID reader.

silkke selected a technical partner according to two major criterias: the robustness of the solution and the ability to integrate it perfectly into the existing technical process. The latter is very complex because it includes a reservation platform (to fix, cancel, stagger an appointment), generation of coupons with different validity criteria.

silkke's customers activate different scan options (QR code, RFID ...) depending on the event, the context and their specific needs.


SpringCard's solution

The solution proposed by SpringCard has significant advantages for silkke, the main one being the compatibility with international standards. This solution is a package of services all in one with bracelets, tags, reader.

The Springcard solution allows, for example, an amusement park visitor to create his Avatar as well as that of his family members via the park bracelet, distributed at the entrance and worn on the wrist. This RFID bracelet includes their information, allows you to automatically create his account when passing through the silkke capsule and cut the queue by going directly to scan his bracelet on the RFID reader.

The Springcard solution therefore speeds up the process and thus increases the profitability of the device, both for silkke and for its customers.

silkke choose Springcard for a full-scale test at Roland Garros, whose success led to the decision to integrate the solution for mass production. A close collaboration with silkke's design office allowed it to be perfectly integrated into the capsule and the functional process.

Key accounts and developers can discover the silkke concept on and apply for capsule rental. End users can visit to create their account, locate the nearest capsule and book the creation of their animated 3D Avatar.


To find tags compatible with this product click here


Published on 07/05/2018

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